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2021-01-06 13:34:46 查看(221) 回复(0)

  1. 查询客户id是105的客户信息
  2. 查询王姓的客户信息
  3. 查询英文姓名包括字符 a 的客户信息
  4. 查询身份证号码以110开头的客户信息
  5. 查询信用积分大于400的客户信息
  6. 查询上海的客户信息
  7. 查询所有女性的客户信息
  8. 查询信用积分小于300的男性客户信息
  9. 查询上海的女性客户信息
  10. 查询客户分布在哪些城市
  11. 查询长沙和深圳两地的客户信息
  12. 查询信用积分大于200小于400的客户信息
  13. 查询没有英文名的客户信息
  14. 查询姓名是两个字的客户信息
  15. 查询英文名不包含字符o的客户信息

select * from user where userId='105';

select * from user where name like '王%';

select * from user where ename rlike 'a';

select * from user where personId like '110%';

select * from user where credit>400;

select * from user where city='上海';

select * from user where sex='女';

select * from user where credit<300 and sex='男';

select * from user where city='上海' and sex='女';

select city from user;

select * from user where city in ('长沙','深圳');

select * from user where credit between 200 and 400;

select * from user where ename is null;

select * from user where name like '__';

select * from user where ename not rlike 'o';

select * from user where credit not between 200 and 400;

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